Supervision: Challenges and Opportunities

In this workshop we will explore and discuss the journey to becoming a supervisor and factors that affect our ability to succeed.  Additionally, the workshop will look at many of the emerging issues in child care environments that are impacting how we approach and conduct supervision (trauma informed care, mentoring and coaching, and technology).
We will navigate through these learning objectives:
  • The impact of our journey to become a supervisor on how we approach supervision
  • How a trauma informed environment can be used to support healthy supervision
  • Tips on how to navigate within an organization from a "middle-management" position
  • How technology has changed supervision
  • Challenges of changing roles from a direct care worker to a supervisor
CYC Certification Competency Domain:  Relationship and Communication
1.5 Class Hours

Created by

Debbie Zwicky, CYC-P

Debbie has 25+ years of experience working with youth and families with histories of trauma, mental illness, family dysfunction, addiction, abuse, neglect, and hopelessness. Through her direct care experience, she learned how to build healthy relationships with both staff and clients which in turn built trust and helped youth and families with the healing process.  Debbie coordinated programs for youth and families and coached/trained staff directly working in these programs.

Debbie is a certified trainer in the following curricula: Risking Connections, Youth Thrive, Non-Violent Crisis Management (CPI), and Principles of Subject Control (POSC)/Verbal Defense. She has written policies for social service organizations and understands the demands of meeting licensing and accreditation regulations. Debbie is currently consulting with local group homes, providing staff training and guidance as they work through the accreditation process. 

Debbie is currently an instructor for the entire spectrum of skills in managing human conflict, including non-escalation, de-escalation, crisis management, trauma responsiveness and physical interventions. She trains staff in many settings including education, law enforcement, mental health, hospitals, and state agencies.