Stress: Too Much, Too Little, and the Resilience Sweet Spot
As a culture, we are obsessed with reducing stress. You can buy stress busters, stress exterminators, and stress eradicators. Yet one out of five children report worrying "a great deal" or "a lot” and millennials are more likely than any other age group to be told they have an anxiety disorder or depression. Stress is a part of life. New experiences, transitions, real and perceived danger, academic pressure, and unknowns can all evoke feelings of anxiety in children and youth. We know that too much stress impacts health and shapes the brain’s developing architecture. Yet learning how to handle appropriate stress is a healthy and normal part of development. Children and teens who haven’t had practice handling stress or taking responsibility for their actions can become more anxious and risk-averse. By overprotecting them, we inadvertently make them more vulnerable. Using warmth, stories, science, and humor, Erin Walsh will explain the impact of stress on the brain and share practical strategies for resilience.
Learning Objectives:
Understand the role of executive function skills in academic success
Be able to explain how the brain responds to too much stress and how overprotection impacts the brain
Learn why relationships and connection are the active ingredients in new learning
Identify strategies for nurturing a growth mindset in young people.
CYC Certification Competency Domain:
1 Class Hours