Relationship Wizardry:
Creating Caring Connections

Relationships are central to anything you do when you work with young people. Join our webinar to explore some of the key ideas that help child and youth care practitioners improve their understanding of how relationships form, and how to expand their skills in forming caring connections with young people—especially “hard-to-reach” youth.
Learning Objectives:
  • Learn the importance of relationships in supporting developmental outcomes and new learning
  • Identify stages that relationships go through as they develop
  • Understand how young people communicate when there are relationship problems
  • Create a plan to better meet the needs of one young person with whom they are currently working
CYC Certification Competency Domain: Relationship and Communication
1.5 Class Hours
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Created by

Frank Eckles

Frank Eckles, BA, CYC-P, splits his time between his role as past president of the national Child and Youth Care Certification Board and facilitating growth for the hundreds of professionals who engage in learning programs offered by the Academy for Competent Youth Work. Frank is the Academy’s executive director and author of the Child and Youth Care: Foundations Course and co-author of Youth Thrive: Protective and Promotive Factors for Healthy Development.