Fundamental Skills for CYC Beginners

CYCs entering practice are looking for concrete strategies that they can use on-the-job today. This bundle offers important ways of understanding the role of CYCs, what young people need from us, and specific techniques for improving our approaches.

Fundamental Skills for CYC Beginners

Learning Objectives Include:

  • Learn 16 tried and true emotional first aid techniques that use strengths-based approaches to address escalating behavior.
  • Learn how to use the 16 Emotional First Aid techniques provide a range of alternative interventions that help youth to stay in the driver’s seat of their own self-regulation while they build critical cognitive and social-emotional skills.
  • Learn the importance of relationships in supporting developmental outcomes and learning. 
  • Recognize what changes when a relationship develops.
  • Be able to identify stages that relationships go through as they develop.
  • Explore recent research on transformational relationships and how these findings can help us improve our ability to engage young people.
  • Reflect on how we can better meet the needs of youth with whom we are currently connected.
  • Increase ability to really hear what is being said when youth respond "illogically".
  • Increase awareness of the assumptions you make that distort your understanding of the true strengths of the youth and families you serve.
  • Build self-awareness about the importance of increasing competence as you mature professionally.

    Total Bundle Class Hours: 3.5

Why Bundle?

  • Expert instructors
  • Accessible 24/7
  • Improve knowledge and skills
  • Deepen understanding 
  • Certificates of Completion

15% Discount 

Save by purchasing this bundle at 15% off the cost of the individual courses purchased separately.